报告题目:Tailoring Materials for Sustainable Catalysis
报 告 人:Lili Zhang
时 间:2023年11月03日10:00
地 点:莫干山校区化工5号楼B306报告厅
Multifunctional catalysts with atomically dispersed active centers have been designed. However, how to precisely construct active catalytic sites with precisely defined coordination environment having favorable electronic structure at the atomic level remains challenging. What’s more challenging is how to mass produce advanced catalysts with highly dispersed active centers. Single-atom catalysts (SACs) with symmetric charge distribution are not electron-conducting and thus limits the transfer rates. Therefore, breaking the symmetry of electronic density by axially introducing an additional coordinating atom shall improve the catalytic performance. We describe how we achieved multifunctional catalysts with asymmetric electronic structures that lead to good catalytic performance for CO2 reduction and water splitting. In addition, we show how we produced advanced catalysts through high-throughput mechanochemistry method. Ni-N4-O coordination abundantly anchored on high-surface nitrogen-doped porous graphitic carbon was designed and synthesized.3,4 In-depth experimental and theoretical studies reveal that the axial M-O coordination introduces asymmetry to the catalytic center, leading to lower Gibbs free energy for the rate-limiting step, stronger binding with *COOH, and weaker association with *CO in CO2 reduction. Another SAC achieved electronic regulation of Co active center by near-range coordination with N and long-range interaction with S, and exhibited excellent and stable trifunctional electrocatalytic activity for water splitting. The demonstrated strategies can be applied to make various asymmetrically coordinated SACs (M-N4-O/S) to enrich the family of SACs for various catalytic applications.
Lili Zhang是新加坡A*STAR,可持续化学、能源和环境研究所(ISCE2)催化与绿色过程工程的主任。她分别毕业于新加坡国立大学(NUS)和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin)化学与生物分子工程学院。曾就职于美光半导体公司(Micron Semiconductor),并担任工艺工程师。主要从事绿色催化、电催化、碳利用、废物再生利用、氢气生产、碳基材料及其在能源储存和催化中的应用。目前是全球高被引学者。研究成果已在100多篇高影响力的国际同行评审期刊上发表,并获得了超过2.7万次的引用(根据Web of Science的H指数为56)。她还获得了日本化学工程师学会(SCEJ)2023年度优秀亚洲研究员与工程师奖。