寿恒讲堂第351讲(Luwei Chen)


报告题目:Core-shell structure catalysts for CO2 conversion and hydrogen production

报 告 人Luwei Chen

时  间:2023年11月03日14:00

地  点:莫干山校区化工5号楼B306报告厅


Global population and economic growth have led to a corresponding tremendous increase in CO2 emission. CO2 is well-known as a climate destroyer but it can be transformed into a source of economic benefit with the help of new technologies and business ideas. Utilising CO2 as a carbon resource for the large-scale production of sustainable synthetic fuels would reduce fossil-fuel dependence. On the other hand, green hydrogen is critical to achieve zero or negative CO2 emission for the CO2 conversion process. Catalyst plays an important role to make the chemical process successful and efficient. In this talk, the design of core-shell structure catalysts for H2 production and CO2 conversion to methane, hydrocarbons and methanol will be discussed.


Luwei Chen新加坡催化学会副会长,A*STAR高级首席科学家,研究兴趣包括可再生/替代能源的催化剂/材料开发、生物质和二氧化碳转化。她在学术界和工业相关的研发领域都非常活跃。她已经申请了12美国专利,发表了80篇论文,引用超过6300次,H指数为412000年开始与ABB LummusDegussaIHI等几家知名的工程和化工行业合作。特别是,在与IHI合作的CO2/CO甲烷化项目中,她带领催化剂开发工作已经进入示范阶段,并于2020年获得了两项专利许可。在加入A*STAR之前,她曾在新加坡国立大学物理系和化学与加工工程中心(CPEC)担任研究助理和研究员。

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